NAEQNAL toOFFER NEWFARCE"Bamum Was Right" Bring*Donald Brian and L&rgsCast.8lne? "Barnum Was Rl?hjf"was announced as the attraot'#jnfor the National Theater for rmxtweek, be (finning Sunday nVtfht.much discussion has been artjwsedas to the derivation of the observation "There's a sucker bornevery minute," made famous byP. T. Barnum, master sbowmanof his generation and oftlmescredited with being the greatestahowman that ever llve/1.According to the best, available?vldence this famous observationwas made by Mr. Bai,?num as heatood In front of h/s tent atjdwatched the crow /Is scramblefor admission to se?e "the horsewith his head w'^ere hla tallought to be." On the Inside wasa horse in a s'.nii facing thecrowd, hence the famous Barnum.?what would today be termed?"wise-crack."The new farce "Barnum WasRight" by Fillip Bartholomaeand John Mee&an which Louis F.Warba la pi*oduclng la an extremely nov
Noteworthy Composer 2 Crack 12