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WiiWadEarthboundVc: Enjoy EarthBound in Spanish with This Custom WAD for Wii


ALL: No go, no go, no go. KIRK: Which one of you is Tongo Rad? (A purple haired lad with shaggy eyebrows stands up) KIRK: You can thank your father's influence for the fact you're notunder arrest. In addition to piracy, you've left yourself open tocharges of violating flight regulations, entering hostile space andendangering the lives of others as well as your own. RAD: I'm bleeding. KIRK: In addition you've caused an interstellar incident which may havedestroyed everything that's been negotiated between your planet and theFederation. RAD: You've got a hard lip, Herbert. KIRK: If you have an explanation, I am prepared to hear it. (Rad sits down again) KIRK: Mister Spock, take them to Sickbay for a medical check. There mayhave been radiation from the explosion. SPOCK: Captain, with your permission KIRK: By all means. (Spock steps forward and makes a triangular sign with his hands) SPOCK: One. SEVRIN: (An older male with alien ears. Obviously the leader) We areOne. SPOCK: One is the beginning. ADAM: (A red-headed youth) Are you One, Herbert? SPOCK: I am not Herbert. ADAM: He is not Herbert. We reach. SPOCK: If you will state your purpose and your objectives, perhaps wecan arrive at a mutual understanding. SEVRIN: If you understand One, you know our purpose. SPOCK: I would prefer that you state it. SEVRIN: We turn our backs on confusion and seek the beginning. SPOCK: What is your destination? SEVRIN: The planet Eden. KIRK: That planet it is a myth. SEVRIN: And we protest against being harassed, pursued, attacked,seized and transported here against our wishes. ADAM: Right, brother. SEVRIN: We do not recognise Federation regulations nor the existence ofhostilities. We recognise no authority save that within ourselves. KIRK: Well, whether you recognise authority or not, I am it on thisship. I am under orders to transport you back to Starbase peaceably.From there you'll be ferried to your various planets. Because of myorders, you are not prisoners, but my guests. I expect you to behave assuch. ADAM: Oh, Herbert, you are stiff! KIRK: Mister Spock, you seem to understand these people. You will dealwith them. SEVRIN: We respectfully request that you take us to Eden. KIRK: And after they are finished in Sickbay, see to it that they'reescorted back to their proper quarters and given whatever care theyneed. SPOCK: Yes, Captain. SEVRIN: We respectfully request that you take us to Eden. KIRK: I have orders to the contrary. This is not a passenger ship. ADAM: Herbert, Herbert, Herbert. ALL: Herbert, Herbert, Herbert. Herbert, Herbert, Herbert.

Road to Eden full crack [full version]

KIRK: Lieutenant Palmer, notify Starbase we havethe six aboard who stole the space cruiser Aurora. Regrettably, thespace cruiser itself was destroyed. PALMER: Aye, sir. KIRK: Personal note to the Catullan ambassador. His son is safe. CHEKOV: Captain. KIRK: Yes, what is it? CHEKOV: Sir, I believe I know one of them. At least, I think Irecognise her voice. Her name is Irina Galliulin. We were in StarfleetAcademy together. KIRK: One of those was in the Academy? CHEKOV: Yes, sir. She dropped out. She KIRK: Do you wish to see her? Permission to leave your post. CHEKOV: Thank you, sir. (Spock enters) KIRK: Are they in the Sickbay? SPOCK: Yes, Captain. (Chekov leaves) KIRK: Mister Spock, do they really believe that Eden exists? SPOCK: Many myths are based on truth, Captain, and they are notunintelligent. Their leader, Doctor Sevrin, is a man KIRK: Doctor Sevrin is their leader? SPOCK: Yes. A brilliant research engineer in the fields of acoustics,communications and electronics on Tiburon. He was dismissed from hispost when he started this movement. Tong Rad inherits his father'sextraordinary abilities in the field of space studies. KIRK: Well. But they've rejected all that and all that this technologyprovides. And they seek the primitive. SPOCK: There are many who are uncomfortable with what we have created.It is almost a biological rebellion. A profound revulsion against theplanned communities, the programming, the sterilised, artfully balancedatmospheres. They hunger for an Eden where spring comes. KIRK: All do. The cave is deep in our memory. SPOCK: Yes, that is true, Captain. KIRK: But we don't steal space cruisers and act like irresponsiblechildren. KIRK: What makes you so sympathetic toward them? SPOCK: It is not sympathy so much as curiosity, Captain. A wish tounderstand. They regard themselves as aliens in their own worlds, acondition with which I am somewhat familiar. KIRK: Spock. What does Herbert mean? SPOCK: It is somewhat uncomplimentary, Captain. Herbert was a minorofficial notorious for his rigid and limited patterns of thought. KIRK: Well, I shall try to be less rigid in my thinking.

ALL: Herbert! Herbert! Herbert! Herbert! CHAPEL: I thought all the animals were kept in cages. KIRK: What's going on, Bones? MCCOY: Trouble. Your friend here didn't want a checkup. Turns outthere's a reason. SEVRIN: I refuse to accept your findings. MCCOY: You don't have the choice. SEVRIN: They're the product of prejudice, not science. MCCOY: I don't know what this man was planning on doing on a primitiveplanet, but assuming one did exist, I can tell you what would havehappened had he settled there. SEVRIN: Untrue! MCCOY: There wouldn't have been enough primitives left to bury theirdead. SEVRIN: Fantasy. Fantasy. MCCOY: I wish it were. There's a nasty little bug evolved in the lastfew years, Jim. Our aseptic, sterilised civilisations produced it.Synthococcus novae. It's deadly. We can immunise against it, buthaven't learned to lick all the problems yet. KIRK: Does he have it? What about the others? MCCOY: All the others are clear. He doesn't have it. He's a carrier.Remember your ancient history? Typhoid Mary? He's immune, as she was,but he carries the disease and spreads it to others. KIRK: Is the crew in danger? MCCOY: I don't know. They all had full spectrum immunisations beforeboarding. Now my guess is that his friends have had their shots too.But a regular programme of shots is necessary. I'll have to checkeveryone on the ship. There could be some skips. In the meantime, heshould be placed in total isolation. SEVRIN: This is outrageous. You're not isolating me, you're imprisoningme. You invent a crime, find me guilty and sentence me! MCCOY: Would you like to run the test, Doctor? You knew you were acarrier before you came aboard, didn't you? SEVRIN: No! MCCOY: Then why did you fight the examination? SEVRIN: It was an infringement on my rights. KIRK: Put him in isolation. (The two med-techs haul Sevrin away) MCCOY: Be ready for the objections, Jim. They are a vocal lot. KIRK: Yes, I'm ready. Kirk to Security. I want a guard maintained onDoctor Sevrin until further notice. Bones, how long before we knowwhether the crew has been endangered by this infection? MCCOY: It'll show in twenty four hours. It's a virulent strain.

(Looking remarkable like Miramanee's planet, rightdown to the lake. Or maybe the Pleasure Planet?) SPOCK: The legends were true, Captain. Fantastically beautiful planet. CHEKOV: Eden. KIRK: Is this what they believed they'd find? Then I can understand.Spread out. Approach with caution. (into communicator) Doctor Sevrin. (Chekov screams) KIRK: What is it? CHEKOV: The flower, sir. I touched it. It's like fire. (His palm is covered in blisters) MCCOY: It's burned. All this plant life is full of acid. Even thegrass, Jim. KIRK: Will our clothing protect us? MCCOY: It should for a while. SPOCK: Captain. (Our young minstrel is spread out on the ground, a half-eaten fruitbeside him) KIRK: Bones? MCCOY: Poison. The fruit is deadly. SPOCK: His name was Adam. KIRK: There's the shuttlecraft.

PALMER: I have Starbase now, Captain. KIRK: Alert them that we have the four and we're ready to beam themdown. And mark the incident closed. PALMER: Aye, sir. KIRK: Bridge to Transporter. Scotty, are they there? SCOTT [OC]: Three of them, sir. Expecting a fourth any minute. KIRK: Stand by. Mister Chekov, do you wish to attend? CHEKOV: Captain, I wish first to apologise for my conduct during thistime. I did not maintain myself under proper discipline. I endangeredthe ship and its personnel by my conduct. I respectfully submit myselffor disciplinary action. KIRK: Thank you, Mister Chekov. You did what you had to do. As did weall. Even your friends. You may go. CHEKOV: Thank you, sir. (Irina enters) CHEKOV: I was coming to say goodbye. IRINA: And I was coming to say goodbye to you. (a kiss) Be incorrect,occasionally. CHEKOV: And you be correct. IRINA: Occasionally. SPOCK: Miss Galliulin. It is my sincere wish that you do not give upyour search for Eden. I have no doubt but that you will find it, ormake it yourselves. IRINA: Thank you. (Irina leaves) KIRK: We reach, Mister Spock.

Note: While only 20 Winged Light are required, it is highly advised to bring significantly more than that, as it is a difficult Realm to complete. Players who successfully bring large amounts of Winged Light through Eden will be handsomely rewarded with ascended candles.

As you carefully navigate Zone 1 on the map seen on the right side of the page, listen closely to the audio cues. The red rain will have a sound of crystals shattering, which signifies that it is not safe to move. When entering the continuous red rain: avoid jumping (as it will knock you down) and use the deep call feature to help friends hang onto their Winged Light just a while longer.

The overall effect is to make it theoretically possible, with enough patience and/or luck, to reach more statues without taking any damage -- 50+ statues are within range of shrines now instead of 33. However, if you make a single mistake you can rapidly lose 20+ wings while you painfully crawl to the nearest lit shrine. 2ff7e9595c

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